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Here are a few tips that might help in using liquid latex for body painting.Always consider allergies if you are going to use liquid latex. Rubber and latex allergies are not uncommon so it is important to make sure your model doesn't have an adverse reaction to it's use. Begin by putting a small amount of the liquid latex on a small patch of skin and allowing it to dry. After it dries remove the liquid latex patch and look for redness or skin irritation before moving forward. It is common for a model to have some slight itching sensations as the skin begins to breath under the latex goose down coating but persistant irritation or itching is a sign that the model may have an allergy to the product.

As with any type of paint material, liquid latex will stick to almost anything. Bear this in mind when setting up to use it. The painter should wear old clothes and the area where you intend to paint should be protected with a drop cloth or painter's cloth to make sure you don't make a mess on something you don't want painted.As liquid latex begins to dry it will make the model feel cold so it's a good idea to make sure the room your using is warm and ventilated. Liquid latex has a small amount of amonia and sulfur in it so it is also a good idea to open the container and let it breath for a little while before applying it.

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