
I would rather play a game than watch a TV show or a movie

I would rather play a game than watch a TV show or a movie, most of the time. On plenty of occasions I mean to read but I take my DS to bed instead. I've wasted tons of beautiful days in the neighborhood lying on the couch playing Xbox 360. If you're reading this, you've probably done the same.Let's not be quite so proud of it, okay? I replica Patek Philippe 5960P Men's Watch think we're in a little bit of a cultural rut lately, and that's because we're lacking a wider framework to help us contextualize and discuss our experience of games. And that affects the kind of things we demand from the industry.

We get crabby and frustrated when all we get is more of the same, but we don't really know what we do want, and when something different comes along, many of us shy away from it in confusion. It risks us all becoming kind of blurry and soulless as a group, don't you think? Being a gamer is great, but it's better for everyone to try to be an replica Patek Philippe 5396R Men's Watch interesting person at the same time.Remember Games Are Made By PeopleYou're a consumer. It's not a great economy. Everything's expensive.

If people are going to try to court our dollars, they absolutely ought to ensure we are satisfied. But in video games there is kind of a funny overlap going on – they are “technology products” or “entertainment experiences,” but they're also people's creations. In most cases, they feel quite personally about their work.Tempting, I replica Patek Philippe 5040J Men's Watch know, to tell people they suck if you feel like they wasted your time. But bad games (in most cases) don't happen because people wanted to fail, to deceive you, to ship late, or any of that. Behind every bad game are usually a fleet of exhausted, anguished people who succumbed to circumstances beyond their control, be it bad management, insufficient budget or an unrealistic publisher.